Multilingual WordPress

Multilingual WordPress – that’s the name of the WordPress plugin that I’m currently working on. This plugin will let WordPress administrators to create multilingual versions of their site’s contents.

The idea for it was born, after a couple of times when new versions of WordPress were released, qTranslate(that’s the plugin that I’m using for the same purpose while writing this post) was breaking in an all new and exciting way. The author of this plugin unfortunately doesn’t have the possibility to actively support it and therefore, I decided to build a new plugin starting from scratch, but trying to use mainly built-in WordPress functions in order to reach optimum compatibility of future versions of WordPress.

I started the project about the middle of November 2012, but due to the big amounts of work and some personal stuff, I didn’t had the possibility to work on it a lot. Finally in the end of February, I was able to resume my work on the project and I did a somewhat considerable progress

So far the plugin behaves itself fine in a test environment and can do the following things:

  • Support of undefined amount of languages(adding new languages is really easy, but I haven’t tried to see how many one can add)
  • Adding separate content editors(one per language) to any of the selected post-types(pages/posts/etc)
  • Different URL for each language – besides the part that defines the language, each post can have it’s own “slug” for each language – in order to accomplish this if you are using qTranslate, you’d need to also install the “Qtranslage Slug” plugin
  • Different comments for each language(each comment is automatically displayed in the language that it was written in) – again if you’re using qTranslate, you’d need the “qTranslate Separate Comments” plugin
  • Quicktags “qTranslate” style “[ :bg]content in bulgarian[ :en]content in english”, as well as “[ bg]content in bulgarian[ /bg][ en]content in english[ /en]” and “[ mlwp langs=”bg,en”]content in bulgarian and english[ /mlwp]”
  • And other small things

Of course, there is still some time until the plugin is developed and tested well enough in order to be publicly available in the plugin repositories. Until then, if you’re interested in the plugin, you can follow it’s progress on the GitHub repository.